Monday, September 3, 2012

Project 366 Rewind #35

Last week we had a hurricane come through.
Most of my week are photos pertaining to the storm,
but that was our week.

Lets rewind...

Sunday-Vallon making tub graffiti.

Monday-Todd cutting the yard before the storm.

Tuesday-Lilly sitting in the window watching the activity outside. The guys preparing for the storm.

Wednesday-The day of the hurricane, winds really picking up. This wasn't the worse to come that day.

Thursday-My trellis and a bush was blown over.

Friday-Since we didn't lose power during the storm, this is mainly what I did all week. I would like to open an Etsy shop, but I'm thinking about it only.

Saturday-Lilly taking a cat nap on me.

And that was our week, thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great shots. Glad the hurricane didn't do any more than what you got. Joining you from project rewind

  2. Great shots! Glad you came through the storm ok. I lived next to Atlantic City NJ for 20 years, and wehad many a hurricane hit us directly - and we lived on the water - always scary stuff!

  3. Sorry about your bush but glad nothing too bad happened. I LOVE that card. Sooo cute. You should totally open a shop!

  4. That is a very cute card! I stopped making cards this year, but was just getting things ready to start up again! Also, if you could change the link to the swap to I changed my url yesterday. Thanks!

  5. Cute card. Love the cat shots too.


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