Monday, September 10, 2012

Project 366 Rewind #36

I hope everyone had a nice week, I was under the weather, ugh! At least we are supposed to be getting some cooler weather, yay!

Here's my week in rewind...
Sunday-Vallon gets a bug playground to captured bugs. And wouldn't you know when he captures a love bug, he finds it in the pool of water and thought it drowned. Talk about an upset child! So this playground remains empty.

Monday-Butterfly craft snacks made in daycare.

Tuesday-The Popsicle bandit! 

Wednesday-More card making!

Thursday-Vallon's Mr. Doodleface, he said it sneezed!

Friday-We are so excited to announce my daughter is having a baby girl!

Saturday- Can you tell I'm excited?

Thanks for viewing our week,


  1. Congratulations on your new grand-daughter! I love the cute hair bows.

  2. A bug playground, now I have seen everything!! So exciting about the girl!!

  3. Looks like a great week!! Yay for a girl. Sorry you were under the weather.

  4. How exciting to be expecting a grand-daughter. Congrats!

  5. Ah, congrats on your new grand baby!


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